Friday, April 13, 2012

L ~ Liebster

You've seen this little guy before, but here it is again! I had 4 blogs left to pass this onto and now it's time!!

Here are the rules for passing the award along:

1. Choose 5 up and coming blogs to award with less than 200 followers.
2. Show your appreciation to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Link back to the blogs you are awarding so that everyone else can pay them a

So with out going around and around and around about it anymore, here's the Final Four!!.... {Sounds like sports!}
Here's to Handy Andy~ Liz : You'll love her Pinteresting Party and she's wonderful about sharing things that you've done! It's an uplifting, fun, crafty blog!
Here's to Handy Andy

Michelle's Craft {My Craft Obsession} ~Michelle : Obviously Crafty! I've never "met" her but reading her blog she seems like a pretty cool lady...

Couponing & Cooking~ Kaylee : This gal is a thrifty saver! If you're not into couponing and saving money...check out all of her yummy recipes!!..

Living a Blessed Life~Paula Parrish: You can smell her blog by just reading it...curious??..go check it out!!
Paula Parrish Living a Blessed Life
Go show all of these wonderful ladies some bloggy love!!


  1. Wow Kristy, thanks so much for this and your awesome kind words!!! to visit your other picks :)

  2. Great list! I'm off to check out their bloggies!

  3. Kristy, thanks so much for passing this award on to my blog! You're so sweet! Thanks for sharing other great blog suggestions to check out too! Keep linking up to the party every week! :)

  4. Hello Kristy,
    I am so honored that you chose my blog to receive the Liebster Blog award. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    Smiles, Paula
